Charlotte Procter PhD
Dr. Charlotte Procter has 22 years post-qualification experience as a Clinical Psychologist, working in Specialist Services since 1997 in NHS Lothian. She has experience of applying mindfulness approaches with patients with complex disorders, including depression, eating disorders, trauma and borderline personality disorder. She has been involved in the training of mental health staff in mindfulness and meditation techniques and has experience teaching meditation in prison settings. She trained in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in 1997, and has been involved in its application, adaptation and teaching for a range of professionals working with patients who self-harm and with eating disorders. She has run Mindfulness groups for patients and staff since 2001, has facilitated a follow-on interest group and supervision for mindfulness teachers in the NHS.
She has practised Buddhist meditation and mindfulness for 19 years, and has received instruction in meditation techniques from a variety of teachers and traditions, including Thich Nhat Hanh and Rob Nairn. She engaged in the Practicum in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2002 and was involved in facilitating the mindfulness training for mental health staff in the Scottish Executive funded project, “Doing Well by People with Depression”. Following this, she was seconded to NHS Education for Scotland to co-facilitate a programme of training of NHS mindfulness teachers across Scotland to increase the capacity to deliver the evidence based Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy to people presenting with recurrent relapsing depression. She has been involved in the development of training pathways, competency guidelines and quality standards for training in Scotland in conjunction with the UK network of mindfulness teachers. From 2010, she has acted as Modality Lead for mindfulness in NHS Lothian as part of a Training and Supervision Action Group. She was part of the research team in a recent Welcome funded RCT trail of MBCT with Mark Williams as the principal investigator.
She has delivered mindfulness teacher development courses on Holy Isle in the form of residential retreats and has co-facilitating teacher development courses at Mulberry House in Edinburgh with Ratnadevi as well as continuing professional development practice days.
Charlotte become a parent in 2009 and is passionate about the path of growth through parenting with mindfulness with all its dynamic joys and challenges. Her most grounded and nourishing moments are at her allotment and in sharing precious moments of connection through creativity and role-play with her daughter.